
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The call of the wild

I quit my job today, citing “the call of the wild”.

Perhaps some may be surprised that I just spent the last three, silent months working for the Ministry of Social Development.

Let’s not go into specifics. It was nice- nice people, relaxed environment (it is a government ministry after all), and great to experience the daily grind, the countless post-it notes and the feeling of being part of something bigger for a few months. I enjoyed smiling at people, sending borderline-uber-friendly emails and watching the flag on top of the Beehive (that’s NZ's parliament) be blustered from north to south, north to south.

But there is a point where you have to change from “building capital for the future” to “doing what you want to do and making it work.” So that’s why I quit. I quit to be an artist. An entrepreneurial artist. Fear was tempting me, luring me with the promise of comfort and security of an income. It wasn’t that we were forgetting our dreams, it’s just that life was getting in the way.

We have to choose the lifestyle we want, and set about creating it. Now. Because life doesn’t wait.

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