
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Excuses, Excuses...

Look what I just found!

"People who have had chemo and have problems with thinking, memory, or concentration often call it chemo brain or chemo-fog. Some people report having these symptoms even before they start treatment. Others report it even though they haven’t had chemo." - The American Cancer Society

So I admit I was out searching for academic verification of chemotherapy making me more emotional when I stumbled upon this alleged "chemo-fog". Who would have thought?!

No seriously though, does this stuff not make people more emotional? It's something I would have scoffed at, but now I'm in it, I'm starting to wonder. It's been amazing, embarrassing and annoying, this 'being emotional' thing. It's like it's a roller-coaster that I can't get off. 

Today we were at the table discussing whether James and I will move out, and mid-conversation I had the overwhelming sense that the world wasn't appreciating James and seeing how incredible he is! What to do when one has a sudden rush of admiring and loving emotion for a person? Naturally, one bursts into tears of course. 

Even writing that almost brings tears to my eyes, as it reminds me of just how lucky I am to have such a capable, wise, creative and inspiring man by my side and I just can't handle it, I just want to tell the world!

That's ridiculous right??

Oh, who cares. Bring on the fog and all its flying colors of emotion and love and messiness!

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